Give as much as you can give, share as much as you can share to others. LORD GOD knows what you needed even more. That's the essence and reasons of all my luck happening ^.^

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Majolica Majorca chapter XVIIII (chap 19): "Miss Treasure Hunter"

Kali ini bertema "Miss Treasure Hunter". So range warnanya bisa ditebak bermain disekitar warna emas-kecoklatan yang diwakili kata 'Treasure' sekaligus mewakili tempat-tempat seperti padang pasir/gurun yang biasa jadi setting film action untuk tersembunyi-nya harta karun.

Nah ini untuk print-ad nya.

(Disclaimer: I Do not own the Copyrights. All the images is belongs to Majolica Majorca / Shiseido Company)

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