Give as much as you can give, share as much as you can share to others. LORD GOD knows what you needed even more. That's the essence and reasons of all my luck happening ^.^

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Majolica Majorca Chapter VIII (chap.8)

Tampilan website Chapter VIII, chapter ke-8. Temanya balik ke gaya natural look…

Print-ad untuk Chapter ke-8.

“Pressed Fantasia 24 Hour” adalah face powder yg cocok digunakan oleh tipe wajah berminyak, dgn namanya yg uda membawa kata “24 hour”, untuk menahan produksi minyak disekitar T-zone perhaps. entah bener atau gak, tapi inilah yg ditawarkan produk ini.

(Disclaimer: I Do not own the Copyrights. All the images is belongs to Majolica Majorca / Shiseido Company)

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